Surah Ibrahim Verse 40

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Children Praying WITHOUT Being Told, Scolded & Beaten, Practicing Surah Ibrahim Verse 40!


Prayer is an obligation and a pillar of religion. It is important for parents to educate and instill the habit of praying in their children from a young age. In fact, there is a prayer that parents can practice so that children can pray without being told, scolded, or beaten beforehand.




Here’s a story about someone who has a daughter. My daughter is 13 years old and she is very reluctant to pray. One day, it came to my mind to monitor my daughter’s prayer. She could spread the prayer mat on the floor, but she wouldn’t pray. When I asked her if she had prayed, she said, “Yes.” I felt very angry because she didn’t pray and she lied.


Because of my anger, I hit my daughter. Oh God, I knew I made a mistake. I cried and begged for forgiveness from Allah. I had beaten my daughter, scolded her, and warned her, but she still didn’t change and was reluctant to pray.


One day, a friend told me a story. He went to the house of an old friend. His friend wasn’t very religious, but when the call to prayer sounded, his children immediately got up to pray. They didn’t need to be told.


Practice the Prayer from Surah Ibrahim Verse 40 My friend asked how to make his children pray without being told. He said,


“Before I got married, I read this prayer and I still practice it until now.”


Since that day, I never stopped reciting this prayer. I recite it in prostration, every time I pray, and at any other time, I pray and pray.


Alhamdulillah, since practicing this prayer, my reluctant daughter has started to change. She doesn’t need to be told to pray anymore. She can wake up for Fajr prayer on her own, I don’t need to wake her up.


And Alhamdulillah, my other siblings also follow their sister. They pray without being told. The prayer is in Surah Ibrahim verse 40.


And the prayer is:


Surah Ibrahim verse 40 In Arabic Text:


رَبِّ ٱجْعَلْنِى مُقِيمَ ٱلصَّلَوٰةِ وَمِن ذُرِّيَّتِى ۚ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَآءِ


Listen to MP3 Audio version of Surah Ibrahim verse 40




My Lord! make me a constant and steadfast observer of prayer and my children (as well). Our Lord! (bestow Your Grace on us) and accept my prayer.


InshaAllah… Let’s practice it… may all our children diligently establish prayer, Ameen.


May this sharing be beneficial. So, parents can practice the prayer in Surah Ibrahim verse 40. May we and our children always maintain and establish prayer.


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